Category: Featured Posts

Modular Glamping Pod Stands Strong as Living Experiment in Mass Timber.

Modular Glamping Pod Stands Strong as Living Experiment in Mass Timber.

In September of 2023 we showcased our nano sleeping pod at the Timber Construction Conference at University of Pretoria’s Future Africa Campus. Back then our pod was simply an abstract shell illustrating an experimental side of Cross Laminated Timber construction, and to demonstrate that what we can also execute the brief we set out for the […]

We’re learning again… and taking students along for the ride.

We’re learning again… and taking students along for the ride.

It is summer 2024 and Raw welcomes a brand-new group of students for 2 weeks of engineered timber design and construction training, and this time we welcome the students to our bigger and better training room. Yes, that’s right, we’ve extended our training room to allow for even more students and in true Raw fashion […]

Our Winter Design Camp Students Blaze a Trail in Engineered Timber

Our Winter Design Camp Students Blaze a Trail in Engineered Timber For our Winter Camps we had 2 weeks of student training, where selected groups of students from various Universities and disciplines came together to emerge themselves in our Engineered Timber Design and Construction Training Experience. Despite the cold and windy weather the students embraced the challenges, like the pioneers that they are, and worked […]

These Curious Professionals Are Not Too Cool for School

These Curious Professionals Are Not Too Cool for School

In June of this year, we had our first ever CPD-accredited training in association with the Pretoria Institute for Architecture (PIA), where we welcomed a room full of professionals with varying degrees of experience and knowledge of working with engineered materials in a digital manufacturing environment. The 2-day training course was packed full of theory, […]

Future Forward Timber Talks

Future Forward Timber Talks

On 12 September 2023 the University of Pretoria hosted its inaugural Timber Construction Conference with the theme Growing Timber Connections, at its Future Africa Campus. Raw Modular joined industry leaders, the DTIC and the University of Pretoria’s EBIT Faculty for a day of inspiring presentations, productive discussions and exhibitions by industry and students all aimed […]

The RAW Modular Training Experience

The RAW Modular Training Experience

During the week of 23-27 January ‘23, Raw welcomed a group of 15 Architecture students from the University of Pretoria for a Plywood Design and Construction week. The aim of the week was to familiarise the students with the processes around designing and manufacturing with plywood by using contemporary design and machining techniques. This course […]

The Hybrid Office Fully Embraced: The Lucky Beard Project.

The Hybrid Office Fully Embraced: The Lucky Beard Project.

The Lucky Beard office had, as most offices are nowadays, an open plan layout in a concrete and glass box, and although at first sight this seems inviting and casual, it created a set of quite specific workspace challenges for the employees. Being a global design and advisory firm with both local and international branches, […]

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